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Staff Showcase Stories

Our mission at Sidney Public School District is to develop confident and powerful learners. We achieve this by employing many incredible people.   

We would love to hear your story and help showcase our teachers, coaches, and staff members, both current and retired.  Please share your story via the link below and we will showcase those stories (please feel free to share photos also) on our social media platforms as well as our website. 

Mrs. Fehringer by Ashlee Ringleman

“I think it's fair to say that most people remember at least one teacher who had a lasting impact on them. I have been incredibly lucky to have several teachers who I will never forget, but Mrs. Fehringer takes the cake. She helped me gain the confidence to take part in class discussions as well as present in front of a class filled with students older than me. She taught me many important life lessons throughout two shorts years. Especially my senior year, she believed in me when others didn't. She assured me that just because my decision was different than others, it wasn’t any less of an accomplishment. She showed me just what I could accomplish with a positive and strong attitude. She would listen to my stupid complaints, understood my overwhelming stress-induced breakdowns, and told me it was going to be okay. She was always there for me even when I vented about high school drama to her. She is such an amazing role model for high school girls. She showed me, and so many students, just how incredible one person can be.

Without her, I truly would not be where I am today. As cliche as it sounds, she had such a remarkable impact on me and how I look at life. Almost a year has passed since graduation, and I'm grateful to still keep in touch. I hope she understands the impact she had made on me, and on so many other students. She is not only an amazing teacher but also an amazing person. Words can’t express how thankful I am for her.”

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Mr. & Mrs. Mead by Elly Weimer

“Mr. & Mrs. Mead laid all the groundwork for the musician and person I am today. There is no way I would ever have been a music education major without watching them and having their guidance. Even though choir is one of the biggest classes if not the biggest class at SHS, they make sure that every single student feels important. They challenge and change everyone that walks into that big room at the end of the arts hall. To know them is to love them. I will be forever grateful for all they have done for me.”

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Mrs. Meyer by Madi Langley

“From the day I stepped into her classroom she loved, nurtured, and believed in me and all I wanted to accomplish. She took the time to build that relationship with me as a student that helped me to feel comfortable and safe to come to school. She made learning fun! To this day there are multiple experiences I remember that took place in her classroom, even though second grade was “forever ago”. I loved to come and learn for I felt she, as my teacher, was a friend of mine. She continued to stand in my corner and provide me with strength and motivation through all of my endeavors in life. The relationship we had continued as I grew and she continued to support me and my dreams. She truly is the reason I wanted to become a teacher.

When I think of her, I am overjoyed to think that she remembered and took the time to keep the relationship we had. She has the sweetest and most sincere personality.

Now, as an educator, when I am struggling with a task at hand or a hard student, I stop and think…. What would Mrs. Meyer do? I remember her positive and calmness and can take on any challenge that comes my way. I strive to build strong, lasting relationships with all of my students just as she did with me. I hope that my students know they are always welcome to share their goals and accomplishments with me, for I will always be in their corner. I always try to be calm, loving, and accepting of each student that walks in my classroom just as she always was.”


Mr. Newland by Rebekah Carlson

“Throughout my time at Sidney High School, Mr. Newland consistently demonstrated true care and compassion for his students. If you needed help with anything, Mr. Newland would help you. If he couldn’t help you, he would find someone who could. Throughout COVID, Mr. Newland tried his best to keep ALL the activities going and he kept a smile on his face the whole time. I’m very thankful to have gotten to know Mr. Newland during my time at SHS.

Mr. Newland is a great asset to SHS and makes an impact everyday.”


Karsen Dingman by Aleigha Wachtel

“My role model!!

Karsen Dingman has put up with me since 6th grade, and I admired her a lot, as I didn’t have many adult figures that believed in me, or gave me the time of day the way she did. I was a crazy kid, but she had the patience to deal with me and and try to help me, well, grow up a little bit. She had always told me, “We are literally the same person” and that was the truth, as whenever I was down or having problems, I could always talk to her and she’d know exactly what I needed to hear, even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear...

There was never a time that no one could talk to Coach K. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be taught by her for 7 whole years, not only about sports but also about life and how to carry myself. She taught me to be grateful for what I have, to not care what others think of me, and to always keep a positive attitude even when the situation makes me want to think otherwise. She was, and still is, so encouraging and one of the strongest gals I know. It is obvious that she cares so much about what she does. Her passion for teaching and leading others is unmatched, and you can easily tell that she wants to make a positive impact on students’ lives.

She is truly one of the best role models I’ve ever had.”

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Donna Wiedeburg by Kollyn Weimer

"She met me when I was a fairly unpopular little middle school kiddo. She saw something inside me that I didn’t even know existed and took it upon herself to foster it and help it grow. She took me under her wing as a coach, mentor, confidant, and friend. I learned to love running for the first time in my life because of her. I became a better leader because I wanted to emulate her. Most importantly, she helped me create one of the most lasting and important relationship in my life. I’m not the only one with this kind of story. When she’s not busy, she is always ready with a smile and a prayer for any kid who just needs an extra helping of love.

She doesn’t discriminate or leave kids out. She constantly supports the entire school in everything that they do, sacrificing her own free time to do so. I’m proud to have been one of her athletes and even more thrilled that she is still a great mentor to me to this day."

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Mr. Sweetser by Jaecee Drapal

"During my junior and senior year he showed me that sticking up for myself wasn’t a bad thing. I loved being in his classroom because he pushed me to be the best me I could be. I didn’t believe myself half the time during math class but he would tell me I could do it and I would! No matter what he would always help me through it. Too this day, I still am very glad I took math with him and no one else. "

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Angel Flohrs by Mollie Packer

"Angel Flohrs has the most fitting name because she really is an Angel. She goes above and beyond for her students. She has been with my youngest son since he was in preschool. He is now a 4th grader. He trusts her and she teaches him in a way that he learns best.

She is compassionate, kind, patient, and has a way of bringing out the best in her students. Sidney Public Schools is lucky to have such a wonderful leader and teacher in the Special Education Department. We are forever appreciative of her and her amazing Paras!"


Mrs. Lewis by Alaina Kuhns

"Mrs. Lewis helped me come out of my shell in high school. I joined the speech team to help become less shy and didn’t have high expectations, but Mrs. Lewis always pushed me to be my best and speech ended up being one of my favorite high school activities.

She helped me proofread scholarship essays and even still helps proofread some of my college essays and speeches. Even though junior year English was one of the hardest classes I took in high school it helped me prepare for more advanced classes in college and I’m super grateful! She will push you beyond what you think you can do, but it's because she does truly care about the students at SHS "


Mrs. Mueller by Don Cushing

"She is a great and awesome teacher. She was incredibly kind and helpful, not only to me but to all students. Mrs. Mueller took the time and had great patience with me so I could learn. I am glad I was able Sidney High School and have Mrs. Mueller as a teacher."

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Nurse Renee Peters by Rachael Gallaway

"Nurse Renee has always pushed me to be the best version of myself. Because of Nurse Renee challenging me, I was able to grow. She taught me so much not only about my physical health. She cares so much and does so much for the students of SHS!"

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Ami Jaggers and Jessica Anderson by Ian Hagemeyer

"Mrs. Jaggers is the best teacher in the whole world. Mrs. Jaggers gets the best toys. I like when Miss Jess sets timers so I can go to centers. I like to give Miss Jess hugs. Mrs. Jaggers teaches me to play games and it is fun to do my work. One other thing about Miss Jess is I like to play the bug game with her. I also like the good food the lunch helpers give me too. I like when we switch home living toys with the other classes. I love Pre-K!"

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Anne Belieu by Ameerena Bunner

"Anne has had two of my kiddos, my first kiddo she had was Joshua who was struggling at the time getting diagnosed with ADHD he felt like no one understood him, he felt unteachable, and hopeless.. Anne turned that around for him, she made him feel like he definitely could do it, she helped him understand that it was ok to have ADHD and that having to learn differently was ok as well. He thrived after that, with some hiccups along the way he tells me now he still thinks of things that Mrs. Belieu taught him and showed him that helps him learn, with my second child Esme she showed her it was ok to be a “chatty cathy” that she was a leader not bossy and helped her gain confidence in herself that she didn’t have before.

Anne makes you feel like family, even after your kids have come and gone from her class. She had a heart of pure gold that is rare and genuine. She makes your kids and their families feel like some one is in their corner, and if you have no one else you definitely have Anne. To say that Anne loves her job is a understatement, she lives for these kids and teaching them to be little people. She is a genuine godsend to some of these kiddos. I don’t know anyone who dosent love Mrs. Belieu… I have one more kiddo to send to 2nd grade and I hope and pray he’s lucky enough to continue the tradition."

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Sidney Public School

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1101 21st Avenue

Sidney, Nebraska 69162


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